Justice briefly described
As justice is a difficult substance to define; words like fairness, equality, liberty and balance, and in general terms ‘just principles,’ all loosely sit together to define the application of justice. However, many philosophers disagree as to the parameters and content of justice, in relation to the need and use of justice by State and Society, verses the individual. The resulting fact is, that we find many variants and conceptions of the subject. Justice only exit whilst individuals see the need to come together and form a collective, and in turn, form a society. It is at this time that the need for justice comes into effect, in the pursuit of equality of those, who form the collective, and the protection given to all who congregate and exchange one right for another, in a just society all should be equal, for a concept of Justice to exist.
I have put further details with various thinker's views on the subject and taking the model set by John Rawls, an American moral and political philosopher.
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