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Friday, March 30, 2007

Freedom. The Poverty Trap. Does it exist?

There is a statement I'm sure everyone has heard of in social, political and economic environments, it’s called The Poverty trap. Well, does it exist? Are there those who are condemned to a lifetime of consistently living on a low income, set by society or government, which will rarely move, irrespective to their work output?

Well, lets see if you still feel the way you feel at this moment in ten minutes from now. Imagine your experienced but without economic skill value, by which I mean relative to those who can claim a certain value for the skilled work set by commerce . When your value is set as labor intensive and menial (as may be the label given to the case), how do you think the market and the system will be prepared for your entry into the employment market place?

 I'm going to leave you to confirm one way or the other whether your perspective has changed, by leaving you a tool I designed with the help of an old college pal Mr Eddie Roberts and Co. and try it out on the individual's experiences of employed activity and if you feel inclined, drop me a line on the result of the experience.

INSTRUCTIONS: There are cells with 'black boxes', where you can put data values and assess the influence on one's earnings. By adding or take away the money too, you can see the effects on the individual or family. Then by looking at the graph, see what happens to their realized income (by which I mean collective income), after their contributions to Society and society's Rights over them verses their Rights from that Society. The password is 'Permitted,' don't forget the capital P.

This is a spreadsheet I made many yours ago, which allows you to analyze numerically, low income family wages, based on the State Support or Tax and benefit breaks, which subsidize businesses' who pay low wages, due to the value set for that work. My question is. Is the such thing as a Poverty Trap? Also, can you get out of it without enhancing your labor value with improved labor value skills and new environments of work or by just, hard work and long hours in that role? You can write your own figures into the black boxes after downloading the spreadsheet. You can see the results on the graph which will show all of the effects on income and income improvement verses benefit changes or lost benefits incrementally. I wrote a report to this expressing the analyses and findings. You are welcome to the report if you are interested. Just drop me your email. Roy Zimmerman Creative Science

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