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Monday, September 03, 2007

News on site movements

Hi folks
I apologize for the lack of activity of late. I'm in the process of planning a trip. I'm heading to Portugal in the next 7 weeks, from there to Canada and then New Zealand followed by Australia and returning to Portugal in January. I will be setting up a Blog of my exploits, so that, this site does not become diluted form the subject it was set up for. I will work on making this site more useful for those interested in the subject matter, but it will be January before I'm working regularly on the site.

So, thanks for visiting to date and I hope to see old and new returning and leaving comments and in my Guests' Book. I will leave a link for those who may be interested in the Journey ahead of me.

I'm sorry for the theft of the tools I left on this site for your use, they were set up from a site called eggdisk, but a Chris Abraham exploited my trust in his integrity as a Net user and has high-jacked those files. I will sort him out later, but for now, please accept my apologize.

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