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Friday, July 10, 2009

UK's short and long term position.

Are there any professional economists or analyst in the UK prepared to explain the position of the UK and its short and long term outlook. It seems quite absurd, but it’s true, they've vanished, like a fart in the wind. Has any professional been recorded, warning of this outcome? Has there been a Peter Schiff, Ron Paul or Max Kaiser in the UK. If they exist, they are unlikely to have access to the information and then, want to share that information with the British public. Information appears to be thin on the ground and there are very few protagonists in the UK, who question the system of finance and BoE and the Treasury’s policies. For that reason, for those like myself, a broader overview of the systemic issues has become the only way of seeing what’s ahead for the UK.

We have seen a sustained period of lending policies as well as a relaxed and deregulation of controls over the last 9 or 10 years in particular, in the UK. Banks in the UK where given the power to control and print money (electronically) and manage account holders, since the development of earning being directed, directly, to the banking fraternity, back in the mid 80s. A book U.K. banking after deregulation by A.W. Mullineux investigates the deregulation of UK banks in 1987.

With the development of the New Right coming from the Left, in the form of New Labour and the independence of the BoE in 1997, the stage has been set for this new Market Order and crisis that now exists. Then, the Financial Services and Markets Act of 2000, which did very little to halt the financial crimes that have taken place in this decade.

In an attempt to halt the Dot Com collapse effects. A continued and sustained move by governments of the US and UK, toward New Right philosophies and policies, have relied on banks to drive market developments, at all costs. This has been the growing policies of the US and UK governments since 1980.

The false inflation of the system of capital and industries, as well as personal debt, which has been allowed to grow enormously since the period of 2000 in the UK. As participants and followers of the international Central Banking System and US model of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Housing and Stock Market stimulator’s of foreign creditors and national debt. These policies, allowed the housing market's debt and borrowing to move to new heights, not seen since the 1910 to 20’s in the US.

Companies and Individuals have been allowed to exaggerate their real development and asset values. As long as everyone joined in, the musical chair's game of debt, which was allowed to continue and develop, in true Ponzi fashion. This allows the idea of exponential growth to be believed by those, not looking to closely or philosophically, at the results of this behaviour.

The problem with this game, is, that, it only has one outcome. When the music stops and the servicing costs of the debt, overtakes the real income, available to service that debt, the game is over. This happened at the end of the Roaring Twenties in the US, when the bubble in stocks and available credit collapsed, the Stock Market bubble exploded, as, we have seen in the housing and borrowing bubble, the credit dried up and the debts were called in. This preceded the last major systemic collapse of the US economy, except this new systemic party today, has been extended to Europe and some of its donor nations in the 21st century.

The UK has the largest unemployed increase figures of the EU since last October, as a result of the developing crisis to date. The government continues to follow the Quantative Easing Program supported by the BoE. The unprecedented injection of capital, directed through the failed central banking system, The Tripartite system has failed. The group of three: The Treasury, BoE and the F.S.A., have proved to be short-termist in their individual interests and their associative activities were poorly considered. The continued spending and national debt plague, which is gripping public policy initiatives by the government, are bringing the UK closer to the America’s positions, who are having critical economic problems.

Growth can not return in the short or medium term period ahead. Quite simply, because, many of the existing systems for capital development have stopped and can not return, without new bubbles of debt being added to an already explosive and failed system of capital development. The wave energy being stored form the Baby Boomers now reaching maturity, and pensions in general. We are now going to move into the process of trying to keep ahead of interest rate debt, at a time of shrinking markets and incomes, and our debt’s, time or period, divided by interest debt, plus principle, are expanding our dangers of being over-leveraged. This, at a time of a huge expansion of national and public debt. Inflation, Interest Rate rises and Recession or greater, is the outcome for the UK economy as a result of finance policies over the last decade and more.

As the banking system struggles to recover and make profits, the next wave of defaults that will follow will be, Finance and Credit Cards debts and Predator Finance Creditors. Many of whom are poorly controlled by the F.S.A. and are going to be the next wave to hit the system. The Banks and the government transfusions will require further injections and replacement as and when required.

We are going to see a period of contradiction in the UK before this happens. These huge transfusions will leak onto the Streets of the UK, as they move through the system of the Banks and Commerce, finally reaching the tax payer as a new tax on goods and services. People will be fed with false confidence that it’s ok to spend again. As false confidence returns, we will see both interest rates and inflation take off. The 1970’s is going to look very tame at this point, in comparison. This happened in Germany in 1920 -2, when Quantative Easing became a hyper-inflationary epidemic. Once they start printing, they can’t help themselves; it’s an expression of the depth and desperation of the crisis.

The UK will continue to shrink in economic terms. Many more jobs will go have to go from these failed and failing industries. Incomes will shrink and the truth, even harder to find than at present. I feel with the infusions, which will give a false high in the short term becoming a sickening organ decease and organ damage. It’s going to be about 12 to 18 months before the true realization of this damage is understood. As bad as the present situation is for a number of individuals and families. The propaganda war is being won by the establishment, who are controlling the cause and affects flow of information.

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