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Friday, November 19, 2010

Drugs and addiction! Inside look at how the other half live.

As the lower levels of Western Societies see their value fall to new lows. The targeting of the addicted are just one of the easier group to target for contempt. Whilst we continue to make payments for the banking and financial crises in the West. This addiction section of societies today, are just one of many resented groups, who have been put into the arena of contempt by the media and the austerity public policies. There are many other groups and social services targeted by the political and business elites, many more are being added via the contempt list. What is clear to many now, is, this is only the beginning. Savings, Pensions and the Unemployed, Public Services, Taxes indirect and direct and Labor Value and Jobs are all under attack. These unemployed and addiction groups are targeted with impunity, for both government savings -and, as tools, just one of many vilified sections of our modern society and life styles, living under the free market capital system, as it still attempts to call itself.

We can see through this program, just how desirable it is to be a free loader in today's Western Liberal Societies. Whether your out on the street and or, with an addiction.

This is a group of seven videos which make up the single program giving an inside perspective to Canada's Vancouver street problems and their social misfits as they are described somewhat mildly. This example could be reflected into many Western states today.

Streets Of Plenty - 1 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

Streets Of Plenty - 2 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

Streets Of Plenty - 3 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

Streets Of Plenty - 4 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

Streets Of Plenty - 5 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

Streets Of Plenty - 6 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

Streets Of Plenty - 7 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc

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