Democracy its Birth Place
The death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David
If you were ask the question, where is the Birth place of the term we hear so often espoused in today's society 'Democracy' and what does it stand for, what would your answer be?
I would be extremely interested in the results to that question, if based on a reasonable group being asked in say a city centre. Well, what I'm going to do over the period ahead, is qualify a number of fundamental objects we today hold in great esteem, whilst possibly being unaware of just how fluid these principals are in reality, as well as their fragility.
Words like: Democracy, Justice, Choice, Freedom, Rights, Fairness, Equality and Liberty, just to name a few, are the values held up as the lamp of enlightenment and sophistication of a State or Country. To do any justice to these ideals, if you'll pardon the pun, these principles of a Just and Fair society, must be considered objectively and pragmatically in the approach to their study. If not, the possibility exists, that their rational qualification may continue to be fluid and so diluted.
I'm hopeful that the historical and philosophical journey we will go on, will be both interesting and entertaining. I had the pleasure of studying this subject 10 years ago and could not of guessed how it would impact on my life and character, and more importantly, my inner nature.
I began the process of formal education in my early thirties. I was self-employed in the construction industry. I had a good reputation for my practical skills, but my lack of formal education left me fumbling on many occasions. I was chastised on a number of occasions by those better educated, particularly in contractual and business terms. So I set about equipping myself with tools I felt necessary to take on the activities of business. With four children, my partner and the obvious home to keep, I set out on the path of education.
There was a statement that really struck a cord with my position at that time, it was "He who does not know his past, can not understand the present, so can not control the future."
Later I would find another candle to comfort me through the journey which was "Sweet hope that follows man's wondering purpose, treads by his side, gladdens his heart, and comforts his old age."
I have been restating those two quotes for more than 10 years now and they continue to mature like a great vintage wine. Getting deeper and with more body by each passing year, always making me smile with the regularity they express themselves in the activity of human intercourse. Click for अन्स्वेर
"That Is the War on Terror" by Roy Zimmerman
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