Banking and Government Crisis. What options are there? Headline Animator

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Are we seeing the 22nd December 1913 at its next level?

Are we looking at what the Finance Market’s call, the Bottom Out position? Is up the only way now? The present situation is too serious for me not to state my own opinions. This action by the governments, to bail out the Banks will feed the group that collectively expose the Nature of the Banking world.

At the risk of destroying the credibility of myself and my Site, if my worst suspicions were correct, we could be looking at the beginning of the end of the Finance System not just the beginning of a change in the system. If the sums or debt are as bad as they may well be, the debt in the system could be above 99:1 or hugely above this figure. No amount of newly printed money will restart the system under a call to Tax Payers around the world, to take hold of such a debt ridden system. Governments will not get or share the facts as various groups attempt to hide the facts from one-another. The system is not recoverable without re-rationalisation of debt and loses. In this situation my opinion is to allow the system to go down to its real position of value of tangible commodities as the only way to avoid an environment primed for Hyper Inflation in the future of many States.

My best/worst position in concerns are that, we will still see the outcome of Major Recessions and potentially Hyper inflation in a number of Western Liberal Democracies and their Associative States, as well as other Economies around the world. This has been made worse by the global Government Lending to the failed system of finance. Now, that the system has the resources, the Banks with this pregnant pause, have shown they will not support the Finance Market's. Their past and present actions, lead me to believe their next move after recovery, will be to find new markets away from the areas of depression and collapse, whilst looking for profits. Not immediately, but in an insidious and covertive manner over the next five years. Inflation and Depression do not have the Bank's profit margins in them.

The present banking system will only invest where profit and growth exists. We only have to look at the crisis to see, that, even under systemic pressure and an injected liquidity to the environment, as well as the sale of the Markets bad debts, bought by governments', as Assets and Share purchases. The future is bleak for many Governments’ who try to manage the peoples’ economy through banks. I dread to think of the Climate issues we are seeing as well as those that are developing, as growth requirement of the New Order continue to take effects. The picture of our future will be painted by both forces clashing massively in the near future.

So what is next? I feel the Banks but less so Finance Markets have taken their biggest gable yet -and won over governments. They will only restart the machine when it suites their interests. By the end of the finance crisis for the banks and their Colonic Purging of debt (Dead Assets etc.), Sub-Prime Assets and Equity and Liquidity Requirements, which we see through the collection of government bailouts. We are now seeing their position improve with these Government Purchases of debt and Colonic waist. All this appears to be a logical manoeuvre by Banks under the present conditions, if One can control the system. Let's not forget who the professionals in this crisis are.

As their terminal experience appears to of passed and the poison venom consumed by Governments that venom from banks and the finance markets have been swallowed. We will begin to see the Asian Industrial Markets and The Adriatic Regions of Eastern Europe as the next short term fertile ground for investment. Banks will leave the Recession Markets without the support they need to recover. The Banks will say that the Recession belongs to the Governments of the world, whilst they get on with looking for growth markets. We’ll see if they are prepared to support those who pulled them from the abyss.

For those who can be bothered to read this summary of our position in my view. Look to the East for the location of Capital and Development in the future of the Capital Markets.

My last view can not be substantiated by a single peace of evidence, as there are many elements to this perspective. The European Monetary System may be on its way out. Much to the long term objective of certain groups and their ideological long term interest are playing themselves out. With the continuous developing power of Europe, as a collective Monetary System and the Euro as well as its Markets. There will be those who would celebrate the removal of this collective group in the present form. So, watch this subject in the short and long term crisis ahead.

We have by concurrence and silence supported the present failed system. We have given life and renewed vitality to a system that has failed and will fail again, due to its systemic nature and appetite. Leaders and intellectuals have warned us repeatedly through history. He who controls the flow of money controls the world.

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