Banking and Government Crisis. What options are there? Headline Animator

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

What should I do now, in this Bank Crisis? The qestion of survival.

Assuming the system survives. The Banks will do all they can to bring their system back to life now. With the unlimited promise of resources as well as support from Governments and their quasi blank cheque for all Central and Federal banks to feed the system of Banking. It will be those banks the Central banks' choose who will survive, as well as those who will be let go; as the natural order of the weakest will fall first.

• As for the ordinary bank customer, they must choose to store their money with those protected locally by government promises and by what level of protection those banks have. Those guarantees for bank deposits are where saver’s limited funds need to be in the short term, in this limited environment of options at the moment . Spreading the pot can also be prudent as well as politically correct, as limits on protection across the group may exist.

• With the system in relative melt down, the next move is going to be difficult to assess under the present conditions. Over the near future, turning stagnant money resources into the right Commodities, will, at least, store the present value of savings, as the value of money goes down as inflation rises. A real object as apposed to Shares, which were part of the existing pack of cards, are not the best place for those private resources, what ever the Broker tells you, it’s their duty to hold up the market. There is plenty of information on this Site and some ideas to help you formulate an understanding and make an informed decision.

• Planning for a frugal period ahead would be a wise move. Whilst the system relies on debt for survival, Banks will be frugal for some time, particularly in recessional markets. They will try to avoid going through another convulsion as we have seen. Those in debt, will see Governments try to hold the stress between Debtors and Lenders as we will see in the coming times ahead.

• Start reading books on Frugal living techniques, these will support you in preparing you for eventualities that may arise. A small investment, in a small number of books is advisable, these will cover many of the important areas of life: Food Production, Cooking Skills, and Practical Skills as well as Bartering Techniques. Many of these skills have been lost in the modern world.

• Consider making use of garden space for growing. Not only will it bring pleasure and a new love in simplicity there will also be the resource gains.

These points are not covered for any other reason than to improve your knowledge in areas that would be extremely important during some situations that are already upon us and others that may follow. The worst that could come from having these skills is that they may not be use regularly. The best outcome from this experience will be the readiness for life, your survival in hard times and a greater understanding of what life is.

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