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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Uk government's plans following the Queen's Speach

What was and is the UK government preoccupied with? Has there been interest shown previously in the growing Banking and Finance activities, or the development in individual and national debt. Let's take a look at their areas of interest. The Labour Government has passed legislation 23 times regarding criminal justice and 5 Acts on immigration, 7 on terrorism, 11 on health and social care and 10 on education. According to the Liberal Democrats, it has also created more than 3,000 new crimes at a rate of nearly one a day and passed more than 32,000 statutory instruments.

The activities of Banks and other Lenders have received little attention during the debt party everyone was invited too. The FSA have been exposed for their part in the failure of the Tri-partite system of UK Finance Policy and controls, the other two being the Bank of England and the Treasury. There is no interest to expose the other players neither now, nor likely in the future. Unlike the US Federal Bank who are independent and privately owned, the Bank of England has been publicly owned since 1946 as it wished to act as a Central Bank rather than a Commercial Bank

Now, we see the Government of the UK throughing more fuel at the fire, to add to the rampant fire that has developed. The soft terms used to warn of the time ahead are unlikely to enlighten us of just how bad things are going to get. For those who don't have access to advice on what might be wise to do next, here are a few of my thoughts for what they may be of value.

Like Banks and Big Business in the UK the act of deleveraging themselves from their over Attachments/Commitments and Risks have become paramount. If you are on the edge on any of the following try to move away from the dangers of default and the contract responsibilities.

Mortgage – with my prediction of Houses losing 43 percent over the next 2-3 years, now, might be a good time to consider your options.

Lender groups like Banks and Credit Cards are not there to help and will act aggressively when arrears begin to develop, 2009 is not going to be kind to many people and the years to follow are not going to be much better. Consider how you can reduce your exposure. Seek quality financial advice and don’t cheat on the reality or extent of your position.

Start developing a sensible approach towards considering how you would move forward if your present traditions lost their familiar patterns, due to major economic and social changes forced on you by the crisis.

I would like to leave you with a peace of information of which all of the UK are already aware, but, may not see the extent of its warning. The UK has spent £5 Billion on a five year war with Iraq, with huge costs, both Human and Economic. So how dangerous do you think the situation is, to the Government today, when their first Bailout figure was set at 500 Billion plus, in comparison to the US’s similar figure, for a State 10 times the economic size of the UK.

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