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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The January warnings moving closure to reality.

I said on January 14th in an article titled "Is a market collapse or correction on the cards", after studying the historical market data available, specifically, using the FX market and S & P 500 historical data, going back to 1983. After looking at the data in detail, there were some worrying trends and points of reference in the data. If you look at that January report -and the graphs within this post, you will see confirmation of my evaluation of the data back in January.

I warned the market may, after the extraordinary period of gains from March 2009, finally peak-out in late March of 2010 -and then, drop about 15 points or more, which as the graph shows, took place from the 26th April to 25th May, some three to four weeks later than predicted, the market's did peak and then fall. Then, I stated the market would then move sideways. The first three months as warned, have now past -and, we are about to enter the second stage as stated in my January report -and shown by the Lime Green line on the graph. This sideways motion, as stated, has continued for no more than three to six months historically. Then followed by a breakout. I believe, will be a major market correction, namely, a Short market move or fall.

The next three months are going to be dangerous in my opinion. So try not to be on the wrong side of the trade (and be cautious of pensions and investment stocks). Also, whilst what I am about to say is in contradiction too normal trading practices, which is, to 'not' follow ( or be cautious) of, the market trend in one's trading strategy. The opposite strategy, is, in my opinion the prudent position, for this period ahead.

This second graph moves out to a weekly chart to show a time line over a greater period, exposing too the reader, some of the areas of support and resistance and information, which I feel, express the dangers that lie ahead. If you study the graph you will see my S & P trade -and, the stop, entry and limit I have set as part of that trade. If I had the funds, I would add two more trades, the USD/CHF and USoil. The first I would trade Short and the second I would also trade Short initially and then, after its support point and full turn has been reached, go Long. The stop strategic point will be very difficult to find -as well as position, as the market has been very volatile since 2009. I am concerned that illegal, H.F.T is taking place -and, may be promoting sharp spikes, which are triggering trader's stop-loses. Therefore, those traders with small accounts are forced to limit their trades in an attempt to ensure they do not have a Call on the account, whilst risking steep stop loses, in an attempt to avoid market spikes promoted by H.F.Ts.

Video expressing systemic dangers

Also, this video by a house member Michelle Bachmann is an example of the systemic issues in the US and elsewhere. As governments and court clique take over the so called free market capitalism. This behavior exposes the threats to the quasi state/private merging cartels in the capitalist system business and finance. The proliferation of this conjunction concerns free marketeers in the FX market and the manipulation that continues to threaten the future of numerous international markets.

We Now Have A Total Gangster Government

Finally, for those out there that feel these points are unfounded, this video may support some of the concerns, which are held by some citizens out there, as to where the future may be leading -and, the possibility that manipulation of more than finance markets are taking place .

How To Brainwash A Nation

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