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Sunday, January 01, 2012

The end of a Site and a search for Hope

This will be the last Post I put on this site.  This site has been quiet this last year in activity terms. Looking back, 2010 has proven to be the most heart breaking of all preceding years. I have spent most of this year in contemplation of what I am now, after all that has happened.  With regards to this site, I have lost the desire to share my work with my fellow man.  What is the point? Thinkers like: Socrates and Plato, Hobbes, Locke etc. etc., who enquired into man as well as the valued principles in life, see authorities, usually the State and or a Deity (or more precisely, religious structures) as the only way forward.  I always lent toward Plato and Socrates myself. Plato studied man and society, through his City State and many of the characteristics of man and society, through the small but complex examples of what is much bigger today, whilst still the same.  This is why their work is still important today, for those who look for control of man, not an understanding of civilisation.  I had my own myopic State, in the form of family.  Many elements of life could be observed through this miner study of family and friends. Well, I am putting that study away now, as there is little-more to learn, at a basic level, I have not learnt -and that which I don’t know, I will live without.

And I have come to this conclusion.  For those like myself, with large appetites for learning, there is little value set in study today, particularly philosophic.  Accept in the selfish act of self enlightenment and the satisfaction of learning new and progressive thought’s of self and life, that comes from that study.  If I spoke to a thousand people of what I know, there is very little use in that moment, but to be judged for such grandiose ideas and of self, whilst cherry picking thoughts for confirmation, of what One 'thinks they are looking for', in that moment of interest in Another’s view.

Based on this, some might say deep study, over the years and a simplified statement of this view, I wish to say goodbye and good fortune, what ever that may be perceived to be. I have one more view to share and I hope it is of use.  If One could be bothered to look back over the things I have framed and illuminated on this Site you will note my warnings before the arrival of many of those pressing issues we see upon on us today.  I am still confident in my assessment of the situation and I will state what is ahead in my humble view.

The present system will not recover from the road it is on, but die, like all things and a new system will take its place, if we survive this change.  It’s common sense really more than a revelation.  But, what will take its place, should really be the question?  We are at war, both Class and Ideological, but, now with an Economic War transporting the other two, the present Economic System is coming to an end. Most people are so self consumed (which is understandable); many feel it is a waste time or effort, looking beyond themselves and the nearest and dearest.  There are fundamental problems with this position, that will lead us to the pain that lies ahead.  We have lived off the fights and suffering of previous generations and their work in obtaining the, so called,  'privileges,' given to us by their struggles. And now we are losing them, we are too insular to know what to do.  What I wish to say is stated in my opening site post, ironically it points to the beginning of the end of these Rights. And the birth place of what has become our growing State Obligations and subordination. The many warning of economic trouble ahead, are the meat on the skeleton of a dying system and an attempt to expose what is being taken by those who can take with impunity or legal responsibility.

Once upon time these Principles lived together, Rights and Obligations, like two sides of the same coin. Sacrosanct in logic and the fact, that, you can not have one without the other.  Those days are gone.  And what lies ahead I feel uncomfortable to consider and then speak out.  But, I am comfortable with sharing this.  The system of capital has lived and died, five times in the last 900 years -and each time, in that crossover, great pain and suffering have been the cost to the citizens of the world.  This decade will see such changes and or rebirth or death, again. The new and unrecorded in previous examples of history’s systemic wars, are what must be added too today: the competitive and limited and depreciating, as well as finite resources -and people. The economic and ideological wars, which are well under-way, can be seen by anyone with an eye in their head and a cerebrum between their eyes, yet the majority, will sleep through the experience. History did not have these new ingredients involved in previous Capital Systemorphosis. Here is my advice. Look carefully at your practical skills and knowledge and imagine a simple life of humble desires and you won’t go fare wrong.  Goodbye and good luck on this the first day of 2011. 

In memory of Mom and Dad, who I lost this year. Love you and think of you always!    - IP Logging Service

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