The end of a Site and a search for Hope
Analysis of the crisis and a look at our options.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Last Post
This Site has made a number of attempts to share options, open to those who take the time and research the information given on this Site. If you went back three years, to my earlier crisis posts, you will see the general path drawn to today's situation. So check it out and, if my posts seem predictive, start using this site -and look for more sources of information (there are many links on this site). Begin the act of preparing for the continued crisis, which will not go away, until disaster forces a global systemic change. Here again, I promote turning your Fiat asset into real money.
MUST WATCH: The Curious Case For $936 Ounce Silver
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Banking Future, Fiat, Gold and Silver, Warnings
There are very few EU and US states to my knowledge, that did not partake in their finance market's and licencing and credit rating authorities' frauds. The mortgages amongst other instruments in the US, UK and Europe are saturated in illegal transactions. They are all involved in their national finance system's fraud, with very few exceptions in the Western democratic states.
From manipulated and overly stimulated real estate asset values. Promoted by the markets' and the banks' easy cash, driving market demand to the Prime market, whilst not for the Sub prime mortgages, which corrected to extraordinary rates soon after their honeymoon period. Many of which were illegal and speculative, coming from bankers and brokerages directed through banks and shadow banking services. These brokers were licenced by the state and presumably monitored too, to ensure no illegal behavior took place. In reality this was not the case, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil was the order of the day, whilst offering mortgages to these dreamers from the lower rated levels of the borrowing groups, as the systen defined them. The OCC were heavily involved in holding back regulation to stop this practice, as was the US goverment. Read the Eliot Spitzer story for the background.
Watch this video before reading on.
The banks have committed mortgage and foreclosure fraud (nov) 2010
2nd Look News
William K. Black on Financial Crime Cartel | April 20, 2011
The Mortgage scam in the Sub-Prime Market
The story I've yet to hear, in any investigative and explanatory way, is the sub-prime mortgage market and how the plot was set up, the repeal of the Glass Seagall Act would prove to be a foundation stone. William Black's clear understanding of the institutional and government fraud does not get into the Sub Prime problem specifically. Whilst I know from previous interviews that he understands the points, I wish to illuminate the issues. I will explain as succinctly as possible the sub-prime issues alone.
The banks and shadow banking world sent out brokers (newly licensed, by the FSA and FDIC authorities amongst other states' authorities), with no interest in anything but their fees. They sold really poor products to medium and low income families, with short term low interest rates or teaser rates as they were known. These teaser rates quickly changed to interest rates 100% plus higher than market interest rates at that time. From very aggressive and fraudulently acting lenders, who, at the first sign of late payment, would consume the payments as costs and increase their interest rates well above LIBOR. During this time the licensing authority would turn a blind eye, or be paid off by the industry. This guaranteed in many cases that the borrower would slip into default -and then the borrowing costs would increase yet again, finally culminating in the property being taken and sold back into the market at a loss to the securitised borrowers' and real lenders' (the investment markets'). Leaving the bankers' and Brokers' reaping their profit in fees, whilst the investors and banks passed their looses back to companies like AIG, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac style insurers. The loses would then be backed financially by their governments' tax payers, the people, which is where we are today.
This is a very simplified summary of the sub-prime issues and it was not limited to the sub-prime market. Because the AAA borrowers invested their profits back into the system too, through house portfolios and investment instruments, newly designed by the finance and banking markets. What was guaranteed, was, the Brokers and Banker fees, not to mention the high interest rates, which were very interesting too the investors, when looked at in tranche value terms on the securitised investment market. Everyone, but, the true lender, (who would became, the last one holding the security when the music stopped) -and the borrower, both lost, whilst the others took all the profits and little or no risks.
The trap had been set to confirm yet again, that people from sub-prime defined markets were not as valuable as AAA borrowers -and so, could be driven over the cliff for short term profit by bankers and brokers. Well now, due to the crises, we see the disappearance of many parts of the borrowing market as well as the lending market loosing their AAA ratings. And where the system of finance thought it would feed off the sub-prime market, for quick and short term profits, it soon found that liar loan products for the AAA and lower rated groups brought new fees too. The decease has now become a pandemic. The system is the disease -and it was organ driven, by that I mean the system was the major organs -and now the body is fully infected and quite possiblely, terminally ill, in systemic terms.
A warning to the newly formed and re calibrated AAA world.
For those who believe what they are told by the media and their governments today, they are no better off than the person making sand castles on the beach because the water has suddenly gone out, leaving them with what looks like a new or secured area to play. When this water finally returns, there will be sand in the Capitals' of many Western Democratic states in the west. We may also see some eastern states within the group if they allow western style central banking and bankers to continue bedding themselves into their finance system. As well as the Asset and Fund Managers who are in-bedding themselves too. Not to mention their financial markets which appear to have fully linked in recent times. This crisis has an enormous amount of energy left to expel -and it will over this decade ahead.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Bail Out, debt, Global Fraud, Sub-Prime issue expalained
Here are some excellent examples of the authorities and individuals in authority, showing real and valued human qualities: of empathy, understanding, care and, a real attempt, to see the world, not as an absolutist or Authoritarian but as a realist and a human being. The sickening examples, of, not so much modern deceases but modern despair and lost community values in our neighbors and ourselves. Maybe they were never there -and, as the elite feel, 'they' are the philanthropic members of their societies, the real valuers and deliverers of empathy and rights, which are given to man by man -and taken away similarly. Their general view of the individual could be summed up as the Hobbesian view of man, as consisting of predominately, Appetites and Aversions.
Whilst society is wrapped-up in commodious living in general, driven and consumed by capital interests (pursuit of money and the preoccupation in objects to satisfy one's emotional appetites) -and oneself. This collection of short videos speak far clearer and more succinctly than my attempt to describe the successes and failures of society and the state. These videos expose examples of good authority and a real attempt to be part of the community not just authority over that society.
Through a Blue Lens ( 1 / 6 )
Through a Blue Lens ( 2 / 6 )
Through a Blue Lens ( 3 / 6 )
Through a Blue Lens ( 4 / 6 )
Through a Blue Lens ( 5 / 6 )
Through a Blue Lens ( 6 / 6 )
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Drugs War, Philosophy, Suffering, Warnings
What will be concerning to reasonable and rational individuals are the changes taking place in the philosophies of the state institutions, changes to civil rights, as well as the Social contract. There is an increasing reduction in the rights of people, when put in direct contact with the established authorities. The individual is continuing to depreciate in value terms, as well as the collective will -and the growing issues exposed in these videos illustrate what is also on the increase in US, Canada and growing in the UK and Europe too. Things will continue to deteriorate as time goes on, as the crisis continues to develop. We are loosing our civil liberties, which are being removed by the developing autocratic institutions This dangerous issue has been growing for a decade or more.
We are seeing numerous attacks on various groups in society particularly the weak and vulnerable, as the establishment takes direct action against its citizens. The latest attack, is on the average man's right in the UK to have the ability, to take legal action regarding numerous issues. Legal aid will be cut for a wide range of civil cases, including: Divorce, welfare benefits and school exclusion appeals, Employment, Immigration where the person is not detained, Clinical negligence and personal injury. We are seeing a plethora of legislative and policy changes.
We also see the proliferation of debt collection agencies (licenced by the state,) who are buying cheap debt, from which to harvest profit, in this over-leveraged and toxic asset environment. The future for many citizens is looking bleak and as the elite see their fiat value shrink, due to inflation from central banks and the transfer of banking and finance debt being transferred to public debt. Cries for austerity, are the demands from the rich and the banking creditors.
US risks war with China and Russia - World War III - Pt 1/2 - 04-25-2011. Libya and the AFRICOM US African interest
US risks war with China and Russia - World War III - Pt 2/2 - 04-25-2011.
Pakistan Warns US & India Against Covert Operations - 'Could Result In A Catastrophe' - 5/5/2011
China To USA: 'If You Mess With Pakistan You Will Be Messing With China' - Webster Tarpley
Toronto G-20: Denying Civil Rights is a Crime
Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin's Immigrants
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Citizen, Freedom, The Future of Government, The Past the Present and the Future.
Organic Farms and Gardens Destroyed by HR 875: The Food Safety Modernization Act. Michael Taylor report by Fox's Glenn Beck
The End of Small Farms? HR 2749, HR 875, HR 759, NAIS & Monsanto - Shelly Roche, Rosa DeLauro
HR 875 Conspiracy!!! Run for your life!!
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Bill Gates wants a Billion Dead! Vaccines and Health Care will do the Job!
Bill Gates Admits To His Population Control Programs
Modus operandi
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
For those looking for a excellent overview of the system and the crises which now cover the Western World. These videos by Zeitgeist will give an individual an excellent overview of the: Monetary System its Character and Objective. In addition, there is a study by The Venus Project,which give scientific alternatives and options to our present system. There are very few organizations who are able to articulate a complete or comprehensive approach, to a new way of both understanding and delivering a way forward for nations around the world today.
If there were ever a moment when One should stop, look and listen, now is such a moment. We must all now see, to varying degrees, the lies and fraud in the current system. The pain and suffering which the majority have to endure so that a minority can enjoy their standard of living. Also, we have all played our part in supporting the continuation of the treatment we are now experiencing and are continuing to support, by our apathy and temporary feeling of gain. We now need to look, not only at our interests, but beyond our own interest, if only to look at our families and friends who are effected by the growing crises, at the very least, as a starting point -and to start understanding the System's activities.
Treat yourself to a moment of education, on the subject of how you are kept too busy, to see or analyze, as we run our busy lives to their end. Living without enough time to realize, why? And where it has all gone.
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer - [ Extended ]
Jacque Fresco: US has never been a democracy
Zeitgeist Addendum The Venus Project
Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' ft Stephen Hawking (Symphony of Science)
Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye)
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Bank System Explained, Biodiverity, Global Fraud, Soul Search and Food, The Past the Present and the Future.
As the lower levels of Western Societies see their value fall to new lows. The targeting of the addicted are just one of the easier group to target for contempt. Whilst we continue to make payments for the banking and financial crises in the West. This addiction section of societies today, are just one of many resented groups, who have been put into the arena of contempt by the media and the austerity public policies. There are many other groups and social services targeted by the political and business elites, many more are being added via the contempt list. What is clear to many now, is, this is only the beginning. Savings, Pensions and the Unemployed, Public Services, Taxes indirect and direct and Labor Value and Jobs are all under attack. These unemployed and addiction groups are targeted with impunity, for both government savings -and, as tools, just one of many vilified sections of our modern society and life styles, living under the free market capital system, as it still attempts to call itself.
We can see through this program, just how desirable it is to be a free loader in today's Western Liberal Societies. Whether your out on the street and or, with an addiction.
This is a group of seven videos which make up the single program giving an inside perspective to Canada's Vancouver street problems and their social misfits as they are described somewhat mildly. This example could be reflected into many Western states today.
Streets Of Plenty - 1 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Streets Of Plenty - 2 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Streets Of Plenty - 3 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Streets Of Plenty - 4 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Streets Of Plenty - 5 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Streets Of Plenty - 6 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Streets Of Plenty - 7 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Drugs War, Society, The Past the Present and the Future.
I said back on November of 2008 that oil would require a price of 75-80 dollars to cover the needs of oil producing countries at this time. Between the deflationary Western economies and the Euro convulsion and crises, improving the dollar value whilst storing inflation and debt for our future. How is this likely to play itself out in the short to medium term? The answer to that question can only be answered after the forth quarter, as expressed through the analysis of the end of year's outcomes for 2010.
There is one certifiable fact that will be made clear by the end of 2010-11, which is, whether the system of many Western economies and their States -and the finance system of the West, have any real or shared interests surrounding policies of shared activity for recovery going into 2011. With capital looking for gains, from anywhere it can, to obtain both profit in the short term, with growth and future development in the long term. Western economies are not going to be seen as the rich humus soil for sowing future seeds for profit. The direction taken by capital, may expose, the short term question as far less relevant, when compared to the long term outlook and the West's position.
I see the existing system of capital, embedding itself into new and un-indebted economies. Capital is indifferent with regard to the people's struggles. It will move to where money, price and value, are best rewarded. Where real ownership of the production processes and control of labor exist -and, where real asset values for their portfolios show hard assets.
This lack of production and growth in Western societies (which is against the logic in nature in the long term, in the majority of environments), in comparison to Eastern economies is now growing closer. With the East's material needs and wants, as well as the new western style appetites being pandered to by profit seeking capital. Finally for the East, capital sees its future development at the table of growth and success for the East, which is likely to bring about great changes in the future. Empires have come and gone throughout history, due to their indebtedness and stagnation -followed by the decay of their economies and Old Order conflicts. And, by the development of fringe and dynamic nations and civilization's merging, then, taking over. Capital as a by-product of redevelopment or rebirth, will brush old systems aside -and, unless major changes take place within this period of decay the outcome will be no different again. As well as their developing education and technology advances for the East. If, positive changes don't take place during this systemic crisis, we may see the West in the future, looking like the tribes of Easter Island during their period of decay.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Analizing the crisis, Power. UK Crisis Action, The Future of Government, The Past the Present and the Future., Warnings
I stated in January and again in August and September, what I felt would happen over this second and third quarter of 2010. The S & P 500 has made some efforts to break out, in this third quarter to the upside, after following the predictive pattern I set out in January 2010. I am still comfortable with the view that the market is due a negative move down, following the market's failure to continue its upward movement, resulting from governments' stimulus activities and bailouts in 2008-9. Now that these have been spent and new infusions will be added, only after the shocks have taken effect, which ly ahead. I wish to point at my previous assumptions which I have stated as part of my evaluation of this year's economic market movements.
I said on August 11th, in addition to my prediction as to the S & P 500's movement, that, if I had additional funds I would add the USD/CHF and USOil to my market trades. That statement was as follows: "If I had the funds, I would add two more trades, the USD/CHF and USoil. The first I would trade Short and the second I would also trade Short initially and then, after its support point and full turn has been reached, go Long."
I would be happy at this point to close the USD/CHF NOW, as I don't see the market falling much lower than this. The USD/CHF bottom is most likely here, at this point. I also stated too, go Short -and then Long, as oil turned, switching any time from the end of August to the first week in September would of bought real profits in both directions to this trade. I expect this to continue up to the resistance of around 88 dollars if it breaks through 83$, unless the S & P 500 turns, and a market shock takes place, which has a real possibility of occurring in this month of October. If this happens oil will follow in the short term. It would be reasonable to ask, why didn't I use my funds on the second two trades first? The answer would be, 'I could not be sure when the S & P might fall,' so I needed my limited funds to secure my entry.
I Have also said repeatedly since 2008, that Silver would be an excellent way, of both protecting wealth and making real wealth possible, over the next 5 years in particular. This view still stands. As I study the activities of Governments and the Finance Cartels and their actions over their economies, there is absolutely NO free market today. They, with the exception of only a small number of States appear to have, a bipolar disorder, in their relationship with one-another. Their interests appear to have very little to do with reality and long term philosophical perspectives and agreement with one-another. With the exception of world finance and government oligarch aspirations.
I do not wish to bore readers with my historical knowledge of governments and systems of capital, but, the following are points of historical fact. If this epoch is the final expression of the period of mature Capitalism in decay -and the system is committing suicide, as has happened at least 5 time in the last eight hundred years. Following the periods of Mercantile, Commercial, Finance and Monopoly and the so called Pluralist epochs -and, rebirth's of capitalism. The Geo-Political environment we now see growing, particularly in the last 10 years. Expose an example of the stages which follow the systemic convulsions, which exist, during the periods of decay of capital. Whether a new world empire and capital system is born of this period, only time will tell. What history has shown, is, that it requires periods of usurpation of regions and cultures.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Analizing the crisis, Global Eco Crisis, Market Correction, Stock Market Students, Warnings
Going back to my previous Post and bringing the two together in this update. My previous warnings, appear to be shared by a number of analysts, in this period ahead. Mark Faber whose view I value, does not share my views, he is of the opinion, that whilst there may be some movement to the down-side, governments are happy to intervene and carry-on with new infusions, as and when required.
I have great respect for Marc Faber's views, as he is one of the world's consummate global macro economists, whose interpretations and analysis of the markets are excellent. Marc states that if the S & P 500 hits 950 governments will re-inflate. I don't doubt his rational or his evaluation. I feel however, they (governments), will hesitate in their action to re-inflate, as a result, re-inflation will not take effect quickly enough. During which time the momentum will drive down the S & P 500 and a convulsion is likely to follow. This will proceed another period of manipulation for those like Goldman Sachs and others, where their consolidation of the market and previous bets against the markets, will return their dividends for the end of this year -and planning, for next.
Deflation has historically been viewed as very good for the group's psychological confidence, that is to say, the Merchant, Private and Investment banks (as they are referred to) and, who are in the loop. As they are less concerned for Deposit and only in recent times, in Commercial Banks as they have digressed into the market. Deflation may not help economies but Governments and Merchant banks can make use of such periods to support debt issues and improve the Merchant's assets, which for this group are, EXPORT VALUES and CASH VALUE. As the system of finance knows, banks are insolvent entities from the moment they are born. Yes, this group will have plenty of debt hidden in the OTC and Shadow and Dark Pool Markets, last but not least, the big brother, incorporating many of these, the Derivatives Market. There is very little information or facts open to governments and the public, as to the specific location and amounts of debt and leverage positions, leaning on these banking conglomerates' balance sheets.
These two Graphs express the continued sideways motion of the market, which for myself, exposes the failure of the West's Markets to continue in their extraordinary growth pattern which existed during their re-inflation. The period of the fulcrum of market stimulus is now beginning give-way -and, the leverage and debt issues are continuing to expose themselves to the reality that the West will continue to deflate.
Looking at the objects noted on a daily chart, will give you access to some of the variables and the concerns I have for this period ahead. I don't buy into the stabilization argument. That the system expresses recovery because some banks and states feel they are resolving the crisis with bank profits and austerity public policies. Those responsible are continuing with business as usual, (especially the to big to fail group), as a result, no change to their overall approach to profit making has changed. The fraud still exists and the Oligarchs are repositioning the Geo-Political and Finance System. The groups who have control of which, as previously stated, the BIS have a fundamental position, along with others I have listed in the past. And on the subject of the future of the Western economies, growth, in the near future will belong to the East predominately, as I stated back in 2008. In my Look to the East Post. And deflation is still holding the Western economies with very few exceptions.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: American Banking Crisis, Analizing the crisis, Banking Future
I said on January 14th in an article titled "Is a market collapse or correction on the cards", after studying the historical market data available, specifically, using the FX market and S & P 500 historical data, going back to 1983. After looking at the data in detail, there were some worrying trends and points of reference in the data. If you look at that January report -and the graphs within this post, you will see confirmation of my evaluation of the data back in January.
I warned the market may, after the extraordinary period of gains from March 2009, finally peak-out in late March of 2010 -and then, drop about 15 points or more, which as the graph shows, took place from the 26th April to 25th May, some three to four weeks later than predicted, the market's did peak and then fall. Then, I stated the market would then move sideways. The first three months as warned, have now past -and, we are about to enter the second stage as stated in my January report -and shown by the Lime Green line on the graph. This sideways motion, as stated, has continued for no more than three to six months historically. Then followed by a breakout. I believe, will be a major market correction, namely, a Short market move or fall.
The next three months are going to be dangerous in my opinion. So try not to be on the wrong side of the trade (and be cautious of pensions and investment stocks). Also, whilst what I am about to say is in contradiction too normal trading practices, which is, to 'not' follow ( or be cautious) of, the market trend in one's trading strategy. The opposite strategy, is, in my opinion the prudent position, for this period ahead.
This second graph moves out to a weekly chart to show a time line over a greater period, exposing too the reader, some of the areas of support and resistance and information, which I feel, express the dangers that lie ahead. If you study the graph you will see my S & P trade -and, the stop, entry and limit I have set as part of that trade. If I had the funds, I would add two more trades, the USD/CHF and USoil. The first I would trade Short and the second I would also trade Short initially and then, after its support point and full turn has been reached, go Long. The stop strategic point will be very difficult to find -as well as position, as the market has been very volatile since 2009. I am concerned that illegal, H.F.T is taking place -and, may be promoting sharp spikes, which are triggering trader's stop-loses. Therefore, those traders with small accounts are forced to limit their trades in an attempt to ensure they do not have a Call on the account, whilst risking steep stop loses, in an attempt to avoid market spikes promoted by H.F.Ts.
Video expressing systemic dangers
Also, this video by a house member Michelle Bachmann is an example of the systemic issues in the US and elsewhere. As governments and court clique take over the so called free market capitalism. This behavior exposes the threats to the quasi state/private merging cartels in the capitalist system business and finance. The proliferation of this conjunction concerns free marketeers in the FX market and the manipulation that continues to threaten the future of numerous international markets.
We Now Have A Total Gangster Government
Finally, for those out there that feel these points are unfounded, this video may support some of the concerns, which are held by some citizens out there, as to where the future may be leading -and, the possibility that manipulation of more than finance markets are taking place .
How To Brainwash A Nation
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Finance, Global Fraud, Market Correction
Keiser Report 64: 29 July 2010 – Guest: Michael Krieger
Marc Faber - Fed to Crank Up the Printing Presses (July 2010)(UNDERSTANDING NWO ECONOMICS series)
Competing currency being accepted across Mid-Michigan
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
For those who are to busy to look in detail at this site -and the information it's trying to communicate. I am attempting to expose, for those who are lucky enough to find -and take seriously, this site's content. A place for uncut information and facts. These videos may help expose the type of information this site offers to intelligent but impatient visitors, who jump from site to site during their Web surfing.
If you accept what these videos are warning you about and are looking for facts, then read on. Check out the site and see how many times I have warned of what has now arrived -and, what is coming to Western Societies over the coming years ahead.
Bill Black's eye-popping opening statement at House FinServ hearing on Lehman Bros. failure.mp4
"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
SILVER REPORT: suppression WILL end.
The following video shows just how unknowledgeable the average person on the street is, regarding the subject of Silver. I realize how the skepticism of public is effected when people are stopped by individuals trying to sell something on the street. But, that does not remove the fact, that, there is a real lack of knowledge on the whole subject of money, exchange and value and the usefulness of precious metals . Take a look.
Silver Circle's Silver Sale
Press TV-News Analysis-Fiscal Failure-07-17-2010(Part1)
Press TV-News Analysis-Fiscal Failure-07-17-2010(Part2)
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Banking Future, Global Eco Crisis, Gold and Silver
This is the final video I'm putting onto this list, this was posted on Youtube by Aaron Tube handle adb024, in June 2010. These videos show just how the crisis in expressing itself in the US in 2010-11. This is the face of the reality you are not shown on main stream TV. These video expose the breadth and depth of the crisis coming to what are termed Western Liberal Democracies.
Economic Collapse Malls Go Bankrupt
At Gateway Mall Springfield Oregon
economic collapse! vacaville, ca.
This is an example of the growing concerns over what we arrogantly believe in the West could never happen. But, we do at present, spend 10 calories to produce 1 calorie of energy, does that make sense to you! Whether this video's predictions are correct in its time line statement is not the issue for me. It's the fact that the issue is both growing and coming.
Food Crisis 2010 and US Dollar Impact.
Economic Collapse First Hand Shipping Ports Empty Portland Oregon
The Farming effects in Oregon. Even the Dollar or Pound Shop couldn't escape the effects
Economic Collapse Dollar Store Shut Down Inventory confiscated
Economic Collapse Eugene Oregon New Housing Crisis
California commerical real estate collapse 2010 ( Rocklin,ca)
economic collapse! vallejo, ca.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Analizing the crisis, Global Eco Crisis
Why is it so hard to find somebody who understands the reason for the strengthening Dollar. I will explain my understanding of the dollar's recent improvements and it will take the future to support my analysis, as well as the reader's belief, in my understanding of the points I am about to make.
Reserve Currency Status origins.
First and most importantly, it must be understood that the dollar is the Reserve Currency of the world. Yes, there is a basket of currencies, or SDR, they have more to do with pegging currencies today and are used by the IMF and others as part of the system of world trade -and are not used directly for payments, as, is the dollar. This dollar status has existed following the Bretton Wood Conference of 1944. As the majority of gold in the world was held by the US, followed by France, due to the international payments made by states to the US during WW1 and leading up the Second World War. America found itself with an opportunity to put itself forward, as the world reserve currency, as well as establishing itself as the newly formed world banker, with the addition of the IMF and World Bank. All of these new roles including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) came from the Bretton Wood Conference.
This has given the US a unique opportunity above all States in the world. America is able to export its Fiat Currency and monetize (or print) its dollar with impunity to some degree. For as long as it continues to be the Reserve Currency. When central bank's monetize their currencies and are limited to that nation state's borders, this QE activity results in inflation, in most cases.
The background on inflation, QE style.
Now, lets look at how this helps the US at this time, more than any period of the past. When Quantitative Easing takes place with a State's Central Bank(S) (with the exception of the US), printing new Fiat Currency, as a rule, produce results that are very predictable in its effect on the economy. The group who first receive the new fiat currency or QE, feel 'all' of the benefits, because, it has not reached the pockets of the people or purchasers. By that I mean 'below,' the Central Bank(s), Government and Finance as well as Merchant Traders of the system -and specifically in that order. Once the newly available money is borrowed into existence, this money begins to circulate and compete for the existing commodities, goods and services, which begin to drive up the costs due to competition for the limited or existing resources. Where the full damage is felt, is, in the costs of goods and services to the ordinary person, who see the costs of their goods and services rise, due to competition, the additional Fiat Currency which now circulates, dilutes and increasing the costs of those goods and services.
War as an option.
The additional mechanism or option, which must also be mentioned is War. War has historically been very productive for the State and Private Finance, for economic reasons. Firstly, you can print with impunity again. Why? Because armament spending does not reach the streets, comparatively to peace times, during the war effort, due to the concentration of heavy manufacturing, away from consumer manufacturing. People are also more likely to be asked to support the war effort by reserving their expenditure and putting their savings into State Bonds to help the effort. At the end of the War, the potential inflation can be taken off the streets before it circulates -usually, by taxation and social service cuts, (or public spending). This allows the fiscal resources to accumulate, which can be destroyed or taken out of the economy before their effects are felt. The wealthier business owners are very happy to join the State during such times, as it enriches them, during the state contract procurement opportunities that are on offer.
Summary of the above.
With this backdrop, we can now look at how the US is benefiting at the present time. Because of the dollar reserve status, the QE policy of the US can leave its country's boarders avoiding the monetizing effects, as the QE circumvents the lower levels of the internal economy and goes abroad. The US or IMF are securitizing the bailout funding and the new US monetizing policy, can only be describe as the production of monopoly money, as it goes abroad, outside the internal economy and into the international economies of the EU, et al. Why? Because it is used to purchase foreign goods and services (or assets). The IMF are in the process of buying foreign assets with these new loans offered to distressed EU states, with debtor obligation and interest costs attached. Not to mention their sovereignty, which now comes under US controls. All paid for with newly printed Dollars and Bonds, which are sterilized in the process. The IMF/World Bank's debtors, are the real potential economic recovery machine for the US economy. There are very few reasons why the US could not continue to print any amount of fiat currency, without immediate danger to itself, as the US has cleverly expanded its internal monetary system to a world US dollar system.
Potential Danger 1.
The danger, as I see it, comes from a very small number of sources, of which I will now list. The EU monetary system could compete for the Reserve Currency status or be chosen by a group of nations, who no longer trust or are unhappy with America's position and economic condition. This makes the EU's present crisis, the first and main reason for the US dollar strengthening. As long as this EU crisis diverts attention from the US -and the European wealth holders worry, money will run to the only option open between the Reserve Currency options of the US dollar or Euro. Also, I believe they are aware of this point and are choosing to support the dollar as the preferred resting place. This will be more to do with the possibility, that, the EU monetary system is now being judged as a terminal case, to the real wealth holders in the European Monetary System.
Potential Danger 2.
Next, there are countries who are developing alternatives to the dollar system. Iran have been taking steps to develop an International Exchange alternative system to compete with many of the US and UK exchange services for the trade oil exchange markets. It should be remembered what happened to SH for selling oil in Euros back in the late 80's and early 90's.
Potential Danger 3.
Finally, there is a concerted effort on the part of a number of Eastern Block States to look for an alternative mechanism for international or global payment system as well as strengthening member relationships. These organizations were originally open to Anglo-American membership but were looked at as de jure by the western powers they are now de facto and the offer of membership no longer exists.
Looking back over the above objects and trying to give a view of which of these outcomes may be on the horizon, unfortunately, my understanding of the overall macro political environment sees the second danger having the most likely outcome. If the global powers can not make use of the EU crisis to improve their position and the issues move back to the parities listed in the statement. I see a real possibility of the expansion of offensive foreign policies expanding in the Middle East. This global crisis has not -and will not, go away. Why, because the systems have not changed in their intentions or direction, it has simply moved the next stage of the game.
I little bit of reality, from the late great George Carlin in 2005, a truly missed individual. George died on the 22nd June 2008. His warnings in the show are HERE AND NOW!
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Dollar Strength, The Past the Present and the Future., UK Crisis Action, US Crisis
Dr. Steve Keen Author of Debunking Economics
Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-05-14-2010(Part1)
Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-05-14-2010(Part2)
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: EU Crisis Outcome, Goldman Sachs, The PIIGS
As Cameron and Clegg start their new coalition government fact finding mission in Downing Street and Parliament, what can they -and we, expect?
As Cameregg walk the corridors of power with their new mandate to Govern, what will they find inside the cupboard doors. Well, after thirteen years of New Labour monetary policies, following their separation of the BoE from political National Monetary Policy constraints, back in 97. In Brown's view, he said: "I want to set in place a longterm framework for economic prosperity... I want to break from the boom bust economics of previous years." Oh yes, and did the New Tripartite System of Treasury, FSA and the BoE show the UK where too store the boom bust cycles. What legacies have this old group left behind, for the new coalition government.
The degree of intercourse between big business and in particular the Banks, as well as the Petrochemical corporations and, the Bank's quasi-Judiciary (the FSA), have filled every foot of space in the cupboards with skeletons. And, the new term of Skeletons is going too, look more like a holocaust if these closets are finally thrown open. Slowly and gradual, will be the order of the day.
The secret deals which were taking place between the various 'interest groups', are now threatening to leak onto the UK streets through the media machine. Not because, the freedom of information act has improved but, because, the new government will soon find out the extent of the crisis, for the UK economy -and the depth too which the public finance position has sunk. Cameregg will not want to be responsible for holding this baby, when the social service next call for a family report.
The 6bn public spending cuts, stated by George Osborne, the new Chancellor of Exchequer believes, will be the start of new government savings. This figure should cover the interest payments on the 163bn deficit. This doesn't take into account the 282bn of semi-toxic and toxic assets, held under the control of the new quangos, APS and the administrators UKFI, another Treasury quangoand America's equivalent to the FDIC in holding company terms. Based on this system, the above mentioned group are involved in the securitization of the 282 billion. If these assets become valueless -and, in past experience they have, (and let's not forget, why they are held under this system in the first place), RBS have to cover the first 60bn in loses. After that, the loses move to the tax payer at a ratio of 1:9, 10% RBS, and 90% the tax payer. We will see if this new coalition government is able to succeed in its new public finance policy and reduce Treasury spending which has been the life's blood of the economy for some time now!
Here is an example of some of the Global Finance System's issues and some of the issues surrounding EU Banks.This has been taken from Max Keiser.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Governments Bailouts, Power. UK Crisis Action, The Future of Government, UK Coalition Government
Is this the largest fraud in history exposed and will the Governments and institutions be made to pay for the systemic frauds that surround the Finance markets of the US and UK and the Futures Market.
The following videos and Radio link(King World News) expose the corruption of the Finance system and the manipulation of both the Precious Metal Market and Foreign Exchange valuation system. I have warned repeatedly about the need for possession of Precious Metals in 2008-9. The Armageddon of Precious Metal's day is now on the cards.
Part 1/2: Bill Murphy of GATA Testifies to CFTC 3-25-2010
Part 2/2: Bill Murphy of GATA reveals whistle blower Andrew MaGuire to CFTC 3-25-2010
Here is a link to GATA's copies of the email correspondence between Andrew Maguire (King Interview) Metal Trader and Eliud Ramirez of the CFTC. The big player manipulators' J P Morgan and HSBC Banks.
Adrian Douglas exposes LBMA OTC Gold and Silver Market as a Ponzi scheme
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Global Eco Crisis, Global Fraud, Gold and Silver, The Future of Government
In response to the heading, it depends upon how you interpret the phrase "on the way out". Let's look at the facts. Deflation has taken hold of the world's GWP to the tune of -12% in 2009-10. The US is in a deflationary spiral. Whilst the UK is showing some inflationary conditions, and is throwing sugar coated sovereign debt at the diabetic Deflationary Monster. Where do I see the outcome? Where it has been since 2008, knowing the situation of the financial system of the Central Banking Cartels. The system is bankrupt. The global financial system of capital is completely fraudulent. This is not a politically extremist statement this is an informed objective summary of the state of global finance.
Players in the Crisis.
I see the attempts by Governments and Central Banks who are trying to retake control of the failed financial system of capital, which has developed into a struggle to control and regain control and power. The Systemic controllers and currency value manipulators (Central Banking Cartels and International merchant Banks, Forex and Stock Market players and Industrial Cartels) and the State system, which unlike the bracketed group have civil society to answer too in addition to those groups. The reality is, they (governments) are armatures (prefects' with a badge), part timers, in the art of government and finance. They have no control over their real masters who control the flow of money, and sit in Foundations around the world, philosophising on public policy, the state and money; old money only infer to such subjects.
Quantitative Easing Crisis Response.
So what does the future hold for the West? The Central Banking System and BIS, is doing what they were created to do, to inflate the Fiat Currencies of the world. Even if the Global GWP grows over the next year or two (from its present decline), it will be the result of the East not the West. I see more real deflation (even if Governments become the national employer). Sovereign Debt will continue to rise at an unprecedented rate over the coming years. BIS's national Central Banks with their Quantitative Easing programme have become the Caboose and the coal mine for the economic engine. Whilst this action has helped the Banksters and their minions, it will only rob the average man, woman and child of their comfort -and their futures. I said back in 2008 that, "the inflation of the 1970s will look quite tame" and it will! The interest rate issue will also need to be added to this pot, once cheap money and the BIS stop buying Bonds/Securities and look for private market buyers through improved incentives and their guarantees must be assured. The present Bond Market is already showing explosive fuses and from every marketable type of Bond that is T-Bills and Bonds.
Interest Rates.
By the BIS inflating currencies as is their primary role in life, as previously stated. Their logic is as follows. Monetary Inflation takes place annually in good times, but, whilst the system is debt ridden, QE is the natural mechanism of the central bank, allowing the debt to become both cheaper and payable. The objective is, as the servicing of debt becomes overwhelming to the groups (Banks, Commercial and public as well as private borrowers), by a QE policy you reduce the debt to the Banks and the commercial, public or government groups, with new money. This in tern reduces the value of products and services so increasing the cost to the public. Ironically, the people in turn are expected to produce the market's insulin with their transacting, which will become scarce under such deflationary conditions. Also, reducing their risk of defaulting on their recorded debt with banks With low interest rates for the banks and high interests for the public, comparatively, lenders gain some control of the system of debt default and can adjust their pressure on the risks.
Deflation and summary.
The double hammer on the cards and unaccounted for by the BIS's system of money control and inflationary policy is the [deflationary hammer]. If the system continues to see deflation and particularly if government interference can not halt the continuing deflation of real GDP, and monetary inflation continues, then, the system has a real risk of collapsing.
What is quite obvious when you consider the facts. How can you have a reduction in production -and labour value, whilst still servicing your debts at a time of inflation? This can only have one outcome under such circumstances DEFAULT. But, when that combination of excessive sovereign debt, debt ridden finance system, systemic market fraud and public debt. And yes there is more. Deflationary market economy, with an economic depression and quantitative easing programme, buying state debt and devaluing the products and services and producing inflation when real incomes are going down. Do I need to say more? Can you see these elements in our western liberal societies. Can you see the markets going back to pre 2007 excesses? I see a real possibility of 20-25% deflation in the West, in real terms on previous output, when you recall production during the credit and debt accumulation period, when both were in vogue.
The East has all the cheap labour and internal markets among themselves. The UK and US and Europe in general, though not so for Europe's Germany, will continue to have balance of trade issues, due to their poorly competitive export products, untrusted and out of vogue, at the table of exports. Equally bad too, after seeing the corruption in the West's finance system the East have no reason to trust the finance services coming to them from the West, where some have already flown off to new markets. Those fresh Eastern markets will be where the West's new Head Offices reside in the future, adding to the Hedge Fund Manager and Bankers already there. In addition to well educated and locally speaking cheap general labour, who are on tap. The developing and new Cartels will be centring themselves in the East in the future, on a flight from the West. It's worth taking a look at my 2008 posts and look for the options and choices to be made.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Analizing the crisis, EU Crisis Outcome, UK Crisis Action, US Crisis
I said back in 2008, as Congress agreed to bailout the Banks in the US, that, the effects of this, may be the expo sea of an underlying agenda and the beginning of the end, or at least, the beginning of a systemic change -and an anti-democratic change -and a further shift of power to an elite group. One of the side effects of that shift of power, would be, that under a system of Professional Bankers and linked Institutes (BIS, et al.) we may now be moving to the next stage of a systemic finance repositioning. This new chapter is born out of Systemic Bankruptcy and the philosophy of Realpolitik. As the Anglo-American interests in Marjah unfold, the Euro Zone also has their battle, as well as the attention and Anglo-American interests who look on. I said "The European Monetary System may be on its way out,"and its present condition might require a little push or no push at all (when a push was in-need) to increase the stress on the Euro Zone, of which we see both.
Are we seeing a concerted effort on the part of the UK and US to drive the stake into the heart of the Euro or are they trying to help? As their Oligarch inside Basel (their Central Banking Anglo-American click) and media machine cranks up the revs, with their fanning of the EU's fires and their problems being framed, the pressure is now on the Euro.
The IMF with their interest in being inside the struggle, under the pretence of wanting to help, whilst stating they were not offering financial support at this point, only advisory support. This institute has its origins and form based in America, which will expose its nature during this crisis,as we saw during the Fed and Goldman Sachs actions, when Lehman Brothers had their extra little push. Or the Northern Rock push by the Tripartite system of the UK. I said recently that the Banking cartels will require another convulsion to stimulate new fertile crops,(and too loose another competitor is a bonus), well, look what we have hear? Is pressure being put on the EU at this time by politicians and media of other States. Are they fanning the fire in the Fiat Currency confidence game, you do not want cries of no confidence in the F.C game?
The FX Market will cease the opportunity for short term profit and sell off the Euro on mass. This in effect, will be a inverted run on the currency. There could be as much as a 4 to 6% fall in the coming week, before action to halt the slide is enacted on the Market. There will be an Anglo-American party held in private, in the small hours, after the market crisis for the EU. The irony giving power back to the Euro, is a weak, but not dead Euro, could make the Euro interesting to import/export markets for foreigners, so injured is not as useful as dead.
Here is an example of hitting at the nature of Fiat Currency, Confidence destroying.
The Dollar vs The Euro
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Analizing the crisis, Banking Future, EU Crisis Outcome, Governments Bailouts
There was a number of macro-economist who felt a correction in the international Markets was on the cards leading up to Christmas, particularly around October. I too felt there would be a correction and agreed with much of the logic I had read at that time. Whilst many more Banks and Finance Companies did collapse, their government's tax payers took the strain and the loses. Halting the systemic convulsions. It was also thought, that the end of year's economic figures of a number of States would also produce negative market responses.
In addition, the large market financial players like Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan, and Chase Morgan but to mention a few, will require a new crisis (as with Goldman Sachs' Billion dollar bets on various industry sector's future crises ahead), to produce new crops for next year's picking; now that the harvesting has been completed for 2009 from March to December. As the realisation that 2010 will give poor value and gains, due to the lack of green shoots and the market peaking midway 2010. Following the market culling and with such disparity in the use of bailout resources. The polemic market sectors and government intervention make it difficult to judge beyond the short term market movements, with so much insider dealing and liquidity around for those in the right group.
Anyway, following the unprecedented market improvement since March of 2009, it's fair to say, that market confidence has returned and borders on complacency for many. The recovery since March has been as a result of the infusions thrown at the banks, who have fed the chosen few and used the free cash to stimulate their own interest in 2009, as well as starting from low bases in the markets, due to the crash 0f 2008. In addition, successful Eastern Markets and Commodities have strengthened the recovery of the Stock Markets. Some top banks particularly in the US have had their best year in three, as a result.
The overall system of Capital outside the banking fraternity have not recovered, particularly, the economies of the UK and US -and are unlikely too in the near future. If the condition of the T Bills and Gilts markets are a measurement of investor concerns for the future of these economies. There is very little interest coming from private national and foreign purchasers in the Bond Market.
The bad news is, that it looks as though its end is near.
After studying a number of market data going back to 1983, there are disturbing patterns in the data. There has never been a recovery so steep and over such a short period as we have at present. And, if my interpretation of the data is correct, two fault lines are on the horizon, one in mid March and again in late June. There is a possibility that the mid March drop of around 15 points could be stepped over, due to the mutated nature of the present government market interference.
This will only store the pressure until late June's pressure reaches its peak, all gains could be lost from 2009 and more. Again, if the governments interfere they will only bring about a stagnation of the markets, contrary to the last 12 month's movement, holding the system on the precipice. At that point, historically, when this point has been reach, the market has hovered for no more than 3 to 6 months, stagnating back and forth without any sustained held gains.
Equally concerning, is that if this data analysis is correct then there are those already aware of this possibility. We could see the UK and US using their Foreign Policies to divert and reconstruct development options under such circumstances. Fiat Currency can and is be printed with impunity during times of national conflict. And, with less negative effects to the economy than during peace time. It's only when that QE money reaches the streets, that major economic damage occurs.
Posted by
Pat Fullerton
Labels: Market Correction, Stock Market Students